When creating a podcast, webinar, guided meditation or any piece of audio with a voice content and a music bed, there are a few things to keep in mind to create an optimal mix that brings clarity and focus.

An optimal mix in this case for me is clearly being able to hear the speaker, while the music bed provides an ambient backdrop. We want the speakers content to the primary focus, upfront and clear. We want the music to invite the listener in and create an emotional bed for the piece.

By following these steps, you’ll ensure a greater chance that your spoken word audio piece will shine through.


This is the first thing I do when I start editing a piece of audio with spoken word and music. Frequency slotting speaks to the process of letting each “instrument” or “player” in your audio project rest within a certain frequency within the entire project. A lot of novice audio editors forget to do this when they’re mixing an audio piece. The result is that every sound starts to blend together. The guitars don’t have as much punch, the low end is kind of messy, the drums lack clarity and the vocals are overwhelmed and lost by all of the noise intruding on the sweet spots.

In our case with spoken word and a music bed, the theory of frequency slotting still stands but it’s much less intense…you’re only slotting for two instruments.

First, listen to the “instrument” you want to be upfront, in this case we’re talking about the voice over content. Listen for the speaker’s sweet spot, where their voice has the most “character”. For females, this is usually in the 200-350hz range. For male speakers, it’s typically within the 100-200hz range.

Once you find the speakers sweet spot, you’ll want to deduct or attenuate that frequency from the music bed. You can do this using any number of EQ plug-ins. Play around with the amount you’ll need to attenuate. It could be a lot or just a bit. You’ll notice the difference right away once you deduct the speakers sweet spot from the music bed.


Side chain compression, one of the best tools in an audio engineers tool box. This is the process of setting a compressor to “duck” or “compress” an audio track when it is triggered by another audio track…sort of like having a master/slave relationship.

A classic example of this would be when engineers side-chain compress the bass line according to the kick drum within a music track. The kick drum acts as the master and the bass line as the slave. When the kick drum hits…boom…the bass line ducks…whoop. Because they both occupy the same frequency range, this technique is necessary for clarity of both instruments.

In our case, side chain compressing the music according to the lead vocal will give the impression or feeling that the voice over content has more room to breathe…it will sound like you can hear the voice much better with the music, even when the music is louder than necessary.

You’ll need to play around with the compression parameters like attack, release and ratio to get the best sound. Do you!


Unless your trying to convey the feeling of a momentous speech or a Lord of the Rings pep talk, you’ll want the music in your podcast or webinar to be relatively low…like a 1:10 ratio music to voice content.

This is a fairly simple process. Play around with the levels for your music but a good rule of thumb would be that you want to hear the voice content clearly when it comes in and be able to discern your music when the voice content goes out.

You’ll need to be the judge here but even if you’ve frequency slotted and side chain compressed, an abnormally loud music bed will drown out your voice over. Boo…


In the grand scheme of things, it’s good to remember that your voice content is the primary focus…don’t loose that focus. If you can’t hear the voice content, your podcast, webinar or guided meditation is basically lost.

Happy Mixing!

5 Steps to Creating a Guided Meditation

The guided meditation has become uber popular. New apps, websites, speakers, all wanting to create a superb guided meditation experience. Guided meditations have enveloped a new singular space as an offered product.

In my career of developing and producing hundreds of guided meditations, there are a few key elements that can make or break a good guided meditation. Here are a few key steps to consider before making a guided meditation.


I can’t stress it enough, content is king. This is the first step in creating any guided meditation. Create a plan and decide what you’re going to say. It’s not really the point to try and say something prophetic, but really a function of just deciding what you want to say and writing it down.

Get your content in line first and you’ll save money, you’ll save time, you’ll have a more clear idea of how to present yourself with music and marketing.


Once your content is in line, recording is the next step. It’s an important part of the process but shouldn’t drain your wallet.

Top choice? Go to a studio where you have pro gear and sound treated walls to let your voice sound the best. If that’s not in your budget you can always do a home recording, provided that your home or space is relatively quiet. Small hums and white noise can be simple to eliminate in a recording but a barking dog or drive-by-training are more challenging and will end up costing in the long run.

If you decide to home record, there are several great USB mics that easily plug into your computer and provide quality sound. I usually recommend Blue’s Yeti Microphone to clients on a budget.


You’ve recorded your magnificent words with your rockstar voice. Now what? Well, now you get to pick some music to go along with your meditation.

I’m not suggesting that music is mandatory and sometimes a guided meditation can work without it, but the standard for guided meditations typically includes a music bed so you’ll probably at least want to start there.

A great place to start your search for excellent guided meditation music is at EnlightenedAudio.com. There is a lot of chinsy sounding meditation music out there and this guy is NOT that. Full spectrum of sound and movement for a beautiful backdrop.

4) EDIT 

Got your music and voice? Just put them all together now. That’s the basic process but if it were that simple, I’d probably be out of business.

I recommend going to a pro audio engineer/mixer to edit your content together. It’s not impossible to mix your music and voice by yourself for an easy guided meditation and I sometimes recommend that to my clients.

However, someone who has experience in mixing sound and better yet, creating guided meditations, will have a wealth of knowledge and skills that could really make your guided meditations stand out. Someone who’s trained their ears to know what sounds good, what frequencies to cut out and what to leave can really be the difference between a sound that’s “Ugghh” and a sound that’s “Wow”.


You’re happy with the sound, you have these WAV or MP3 files with you guided meditations, now what?

Depending on your strategy and long term goals, there are several ways to get your content out there.

You can start a blog with WordPress and drive your fans to your site. You can launch a podcast and deliver your guided meditations to your fans that way. Or you can create an album or meditation single under an artist name and deliver your material to iTunes, Amazon and Pandora.

If you decide to go with the latter, I usually recommend my clients use Tunecore. Its an easy one-stop-shop for music delivery that anyone can sign-up to that will get your music in iTunes and on Amazon quickly and for a low cost.

How about that? Look mom, I’m on iTunes!

These are the basic steps to follow in creating a great guided meditation. There are obviously finer points within each step but this will at least get you thinking on the right track.

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